Before initiating the conversion, you can specify the compression level in all converters. Through some converters, you can even batch convert a large number of ISO files to CSO format. Through these converters, you can easily convert an ISO file to CSO format. Now, if you also want to convert ISO to CSO, then you can use these converters. This file usually used to carry Playstation and Nintendo games. On the other hand, CSO is a compressed ISO file when compressed using a CSO compression method. An ISO file can carry all types of data such as video, audio, documents, files, etc. ISO or ISO Image is a file that carries the same copy of data that you found on optical disks like CD, DVD, etc. Is there a program that will convert bigger isos to eboots? If not, is there anyway that i can make my iso an eboot? I have a bad habit of losing things, and this is one of my favorite.Here is a list of best free ISO to CSO converter software for Windows. The iso is 1262 mb, and so fakenp won't convert it to an eboot. I've done this before, but never with such a big game. I'm trying to make a backup of a game that i have in case i lose it i can still play it. For this example I’m using Resident Evil 2. Firstly if you haven’t already made an ISO image of your PSOne Game lets do that. Making a PSX ISO which we will later convert to an eboot (Skip this is you already have a PSX.iso) 2. I have a few eboot's that will work if I had the license or a way to bypass it so if me find a way to bypass the license then just convert ISOs to eboot and there you go. All we would need is a way to bypass the licenses and it's virtually done. No need to hide the ISO directory if its not there in the first place. Step 2 After choosing your ISO (Multi Disc), you need to insert the Game Title eg. Choose Eboot if you want to convert Eboot to ISO and Choose ISO if you want to convert ISO to Eboot. When you first run the Impaler's Eboot Maker, you will arrive at selection screen like above picture which allow you to choose to select ISO or Eboot.